After three gruelling days of competition, Malaysia’s Boys’ Team A and Korea’s Girls’ Team emerged winners in the inaugural Selangor International Junior...
Hariz Hezri, Nor Haqiem Hadi, Syed Nor Ismail and Muhammad Ajmal Amin, who represent Malaysia’s Team A, continue to dominate the team...
The Malaysian Boys’ Team A comprising Hariz Hezri, Nor Haqiem Hadi, Syed Nor Ismail and Muhammad Ajmal Amin, finished top of the...
For Malaysia’s Nateeshvar Anatha Ganesh, having to miss spending Deepavali with his family two years in a row to play in the...
Malaysia’s Marcus Lim is targeting a top-25 finish in his second appearance in the Asia-Pacific Amateur Championship (AAC) this week at Amata...
Malaysian teenager Anson Yeo is all pumped up for his maiden appearance in the Asia-Pacific Amateur Championship (AAC) this October 27-30 at...
Shahriffuddin Ariffin carded an opening round of seven-under-par 65 to sit atop of the leaderboard at the inaugural PGM KIA Championship. Hariz...
Four promising junior golfers have been awarded slots in the US$1 million Bandar Malaysia Open, which tees off at Kota Permai Golf & Country...