Golf is among a number of non-contact sports and outdoor activities that will be permitted by the government beginning Monday, May 4.
Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin made the announcement this morning in his televised Labour Day address to the nation.
The announcement noted that most businesses that do not involve human contact or large gatherings will also be permitted to operate from May 4 under a conditional MCO, which means that proshops, restaurants and driving ranges can commence operations subject to social distancing protocols.
The news was welcomed by golf clubs nationwide, which have been shut down since the Movement Control Order (MCO) to combat the Covid-19 pandemic was enforced on March 18.
“We welcome the announcement by the government to permit golf clubs to operate from May 4, as it has been a difficult time indeed for the golf industry as a whole during the shutdown due to the Movement Control Order,” said Nor Afendi Mohd Razlan, club manager of Glenmarie Golf & Country Club and vice-president of the Golf Club Managers Association of Malaysia.
“The club is prepared to commence operations as soon as possible, with strict social distancing and sanitisation protocols in place,” he added.
The country entered phase 4 of the MCO on April 29, which is due to end on May 12.