
Jeremiah Kim and amateur Winnie Ng take top honours at the PGM MNRB Championship 2022

Mr Chew Fook Kiong, PGM Tournament Director, En Zainal Mohamad, Golf Manager, Zia Izzudden Rashid, Best Male Amateur, Jeremiah Kim, Champion PGM MNRB Championship Mdm Noorazimah Tahir, Head of Corporate Communications, MNRB Group, Winnie Ng (Amateur) Champion PGM Ladies Championship, Aretha Pan, En Nik Mustapha GM of PGM and Mr M Ramayah, PGM Board Member

Jeremiah Kim posted a bogey free three-under 69 final round for a win at PGM MNRB Championship 2022 at the Glenmarie Golf & Country Club, Gardens Course. He birdied holes 6, 15 and 16 for a winning total of 11-under-par 205 after 54 holes. He took home RM21,000.00. The tournament offered a prize purse of RM120,000 for the men and RM20,000 for the women.

Jeremiah said, “I was not planning to play this week, but my other half made me change my mind. I got a good rest last night and it keep going well. More of my time is spent giving lessons, but I am looking forward for the next PGM UMW Championship at Kota Seriemas Golf & Country Club.

Nicholas Fung settled with second spot at 10-under par 206 total. Ge carded rounds of 69-68-69 while Ben Leong finished in third place on total 7-under-par 209. He posted rounds of 73-68-68. The best amateur in the men’s category went to Zia Izzuddeen Rashid who finished fourth on total 6-under-par 210.

In the PGM Ladies Championship, amateur golfers ruled the roost with Winnie Ng taking the top prize at four-under-par 212 with third round of 71-71-70 and Foong Zi Yu at runners-up spot on three-over-par 219. The third placed Aretha Pan took home the RM7,000 purse while Dianne Luke at fourth spot collected the RM5,000.00 runner-up prize money.

MNRB Holdings Berhad contributed RM160,000 towards the PGM MNRB Championship. The cheque was presented by Encik Zaharudin Daud, President & Group Chief Executive, MNRB Holdings Berhad to the General Manager of PGM, En Nik Mustapha.


Final Results – Men

205            KIM LEUN KWANG                             -11          68           68           69

206            NICHOLAS FUNG                               -10          69           68           69

209            BEN LEONG                                         -7            73           68          68

210            ZIA IZZUDDEEN RASHID (A)           -6            68           73           69

214            WILSON CHOO                                   -2            73           69           72

215            SYAKIR ADLI                                       -1            72           72           71

NAZRI ZAIN                                          -1            72           71           72

U-MINN WOON                                    -1            69           72           74

216          KEMAROL BAHARIN                          E             72           72           72

SASIDARAN                                   E             73           71           72

POON JIA HAO (A)                             E             71           72           73

HUI YONG SHERNG                          E             71           72           73


212              WINNIE NG (L)(A)                               – 4           71           71           70

219              FOONG ZI YU (L)(A)                           +3           70           72           77

220             ARETHA PAN (L)                                 +4           70           72           78

221             DIANNE LUKE (L)                               +5           74           70           77



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