The Malaysian Golf Association (MGA) has affirmed that golf competitions can resume with immediate effect, following the July 10 announcement by the government that competitions for non-contact sports will be allowed from today (July 15) and subsequent verification by the National Security Council.
Senior Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob had announced last Friday that local tournaments for non-contact sports can be staged from July 15, but without spectators.
The MGA has also released an extensive list of recommended competition guidelines for golf clubs and event organisers.
In an advisory sent out today, MGA president Tan Sri Mohd Anwar Mohd Nor noted: “We urge all our affiliates to ensure that as a golfing fraternity all measures shall be implemented to ensure the safety and well-being of our employees, members and guests.”
The news will be welcomed by the Malaysian golfing fraternity as competitions provide a significant revenue source for clubs, event organisers and related suppliers.

MGA Guidelines for Competitions:
Standard Operating Procedures
• Players must first check their tee-off time
• Be at the waiting area 20 minutes before tee-off time
• Proceed to your buggy with your own golf bag after being called by marshall/starter
• Announcement will be done via PA system and there will be NO gathering or group photography
• Please wear masks when appropriate
• There will be no prize giving ceremonies. Winners will be notified online and prizes will be distributed according to the club’s discretion.
• For F&B outlets, please adhere to the SOPs provided by the Majlis Keselamatan Negara (MKN).
• Please ensure to only accommodate 50% of your full seating capacity in any of your banquet halls. Example: If your banquet hall can accommodate up to 200 seating capacity, you may only accommodate 100 seats.
• Snacks/drinks if provided will be packed and placed in the individual buggy. Buffet line is not encouraged.
• Shotgun start is not encouraged to conform to the social distancing SOP.
Code of Conduct
The competition committee can introduce a code of conduct under Rule 1.2b to ensure compliance with social distancing guidelines and to penalise players for a breach as follows:
• Players are not to touch or remove flagstick
• Players are not to stand or walk within 2-meters of one another at all times
• Players are not to share any equipment
• Players are not to touch another player
• After playing a shot from inside the bunker, please smooth the area using your club and/or feet.
An example of penalty structure for code of conduct violations:
• First breach – warning
• Second breach – 1-stroke penalty
• Third breach – general penalty
• Fourth breach or any serious misconduct – disqualification
Modifications to the Hole; not requiring players to hole out
The competition committee must be responsible for defining when a ball is considered holed.
1. Raised Cup
• A ball is considered holed when it strikes and subsequently comes to rest within [6 inches; 1 foot; 1 club length; etc.] of the raised cup liner.
2. Object placed in the cup
• A ball is considered holed when it comes to rest on the [PVC pipe; foam material; etc] placed inside the hole.
• A ball is considered holed when it comes to rest on the [PVC pipe; foam material; etc] placed inside the hole or when it strikes the flagstick and subsequently comes to rest within [6 inches; 1 foot; 1 club length; etc.] of the hole
3. Cup placed upside down in the hole
• A ball is considered holed when it comes to rest on the hole liner placed upside down in the hole.
• A ball is considered holed when it strikes the flagstick and subsequently comes to rest within [6 inches; 1 foot; 1 club length; etc.] of the hole
Note: Please take note the golf ball must be inside the hole to be considered as a hole in one
To restrict players from touching or removing flagsticks, the committee should prohibit this action in its code of conduct.
The Rules allow for scores to be accepted and certified without requiring a physical signature or scorecard. It is important that the committee clearly defines when a scorecard has been returned and verified and that both the player and the marker have the opportunity to certify the returned score.
1. Accepting scores from players via electronic software
2. Accepting scores from players via text, WhatsApp, etc
Example: All scores must be submitted by the marker to both the player and the Committee by [text message, etc.]. Scorecards will be considered returned and certified when the player responds with confirmation.
3. Accepting scores verbally
Example: All players must report to the scoring area immediately following the round. Scores will be accepted verbally by the committee in the presence of both the marker and the player. Scorecards will considered returned and certified when the player leaves the scoring area.
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