The inaugural Transview Golf FB Live Challenge teed off on July 23 at Kota Permai Golf & Country Club as a gesture of appreciation for the retail chain’s customers who took part in its hugely successful Facebook Live sales.
“This Transview FB Live Challenge is a brainchild stemming from our weekly FB Live sessions, as we had requests for events from our viewers. We also wanted give back to our FB Live customers who had supported us from our first session all the way to our eleventh session,” said Transview golf director Frankie Choo.

“It was a very touching and memorable day for us, as we finally got to meet most of our FB Live customers face to face while still observing the social distancing SOPs for our event. We at Transview Golf are indeed very grateful to all our supporters who, despite times like these, continue to show us their support … we couldn’t have done it without them!”

Andy Goh topped the A Medal (handicap 0-15) category with 41 points in the System 36 Nett Stableford format to take home a J. Lindeberg stand bag worth RM1,350. Mejar Mohd Nasir finished second with 40 points, winning a Bag Boy T-750 travel cover. Third-placed Raimon Arvindra also scored 40 points and bagged a Fourteen CO36 wedge.
In the B Medal (handicap 16-24) category, Yeoh Tay Hean won on countback over Tan Yu Jian as both came in with 38 points. Lee Pak Hong placed third with 37 points. The prizes were the same as those in the A Medal.
The event also featured great hole-in-one prizes at each of the four par-threes – a Fourteen TC560 iron set worth RM5,880 at Hole 4, a Callaway Apex CF19 iron set worth RM5,690 at Hole 6, RM50,000 worth of Transview Golf vouchers at Hole 14 and a Callaway Mavrik driver worth RM3,199 at Hole 17. Unfortunately, no one managed to score an ace.
More than 50 lucky draw prizes worth close to RM40,000 were given out, highlighted by three main draw prizes of a Bushnell Tour V4 range finder, Callaway Rogue driver and Callaway Epic Flash driver which went to Dr Mohd Aizat Azfar, Siva Prakasam and Muhammad Meirhan Umar Baki respectively.
Despite the social distancing SOPs and the absence of a prizegiving ceremony, the day still ended on a high note with everyone promising to stay in touch and to keep supporting Transview’s FB Live sessions.